Automated storage for flat products

The automated storage and retrieval system for flat products by TECAUMA, is used to put in stock temporarily, during the manufacturing process, products as doors, glassed opening sashes, lacquered sheets… It is required especially to store an important quantity of products. Its design is similar to the TEC'UP for long products. The main difference is about the basket, which includes retractable handling forks to lift and to unload the product in the shelving without any friction. Peripherals equipment (conveyors...) are the interface between the production flows (input, output) and the TEC'UP, they are sized and implanted according to the configuration of the factory.

REF : 009


  • For different flat products : doors, opening sashes, glasses, metal sheets, photovoltaic panels…
  • Naked or packaged products
  • One or two shelvings configurations, according to the need and the environment
  • Automatic feeding and output of products, by the mean of motorised conveyors
  • Ergonomic and intuitive supervision software developed by TECAUMA
  • Associated IT functions such as: stock mapping, inventory function ...
  • Dimensional limitations of products
    • Height: from 450 mm to 2500 mm
    • Width: from 450 mm to 1500 mm
    • Thickness: from 72 mm to 150 mm.
  • Weight: 15 to 120 kg